You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.


💪 Virtual Community Baseline WOD this Saturday at 10am via Zoom! See you there 💪
Our Zoom Classes begin Jan 6th! Check your email or Facebook for the link. Can’t wait to see you all!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**2 sets**

1:00 single-unders or double-unders

15 single-DB RDLs

10 single-arm DB presses / arm

5 push-ups + overhead stretch

:20 active hang or :20 Hollow Hold


Power Snatch (Every :30 x 12 sets)

2 power snatches

– Perform touch and go reps.

-Stay light to moderate

** 5 V-ups (bodyweight option)

Metcon Prep

**DB Snatch Cycling*

* Use a light DB for the progression.

* Build up to, or just above workout weight for the EMOM.

**Progression // Focus**

1) 4 DB hang snatches, each arm // chest up and pull through the shoulder

2) 8 alternating DB hang snatches // lower to the front rack, then switch hands

3) 8 alternating DB hang snatches // switch hands straight from overhead

4) 8 alternating DB snatches // lower the hips to touch the DB to the floor

then …

**EMOM 5**

6 DB snatches (increasing in speed, then load)

**Mini Round

* This is a longer mini round that should not be a sprint as much as a demonstration of proficiency with the movements.

* You should be able to steadily make their way through the set of work without rest or major faults.

**1 set**

30 double-unders

10 DB snatches

5 pull-ups/ 5 situps


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

3 rounds for time of:

100 double-unders

50 DB snatches (50/35 lb)

25 pull-ups


3 rounds for time of:

1:30 double-unders

50 DB snatches (35/20 lb)

15 pull-ups


3 rounds for time of:

100 single-unders

50 DB snatches (20/10 lb)

15 jumping pull-ups

No Equipmnet Option

3 Rounds

100 lateral hops

50 ground-to-overheads

25 sit-ups

*17 Minutes

Accessory Work


30 ATY drills

1:00 doorway pec-stretch / side

Foam Party

5 minutes