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🎄Our Christmas Party is back! Save the date – December 11th, 2021🎄
🎯 Goal Review Sessions are back! Have you booked yours? 🎯
❄️ Built for the W I L D ❄️ Our Winter Apparel has been released! Pre-Orders are due Friday Nov 12!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Set 1**

:30 Alternating Spiderman Stretch

:30 Plank to Down Dog

**Set 2**

:30 Single Unders

:30 Inch worms

:30 Hand Release Push-ups

**Set 3**

:30 Double Unders or Singles

30 Shoulder Taps

**Set 4**

:30 Double Unders or Singles

:30 Bear Crawl

Weightlifting Prep

* The first 3 progressions are performed without a PVC or barbell

1) Jump and Land // Full hip extension

2) Jump and Land Hands at Shoulders // Full hip extension, stick the landing

3) Jump, Punch, Land // Punch after hip extension is achieved

4) Push Jerk // Full hip extension, stick the landing

5) Jump and Land in Split // No PVC, Back knee is slightly bent

6) Split Jerk // Front knee stacked over front foot, back leg is slightly bent

*Take 10:00 to practice the movement mechanics and build up to a starting weight.

*Starting weight around 60% of Push Jerk 1RM


PJ + SJ (6 Sets every 2:30min)

2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk

✔ Increase loading across as many sets as possible.

✔ Take the weight from a rack.


20 Sets For Distance:

:20 Bike

– :10 Rest

After Party

**3 Sets:**

12 Dbl DB Floor Presses

12 Dbl DB Bent Over Rows

*6 minutes

Cool Down

**2 Sets:**

:30 Doorway Shoulder Stretch / Side

:30 Banded Arm Stretch / Side