💪 Virtual Community Baseline WOD this Saturday at 10am via Zoom! See you there 💪
Our Zoom Classes begin Jan 6th! Check your email or Facebook for the link. Can’t wait to see you all!
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**1 set**
:30 jumping jacks
10 air squats
10 inch worms + push-up
**1 set**
:30 skier jacks
10 back squats (empty bar)
10 strict presses
**1 set**
:30 jumping jacks
10 front squats (empty bar)
5 pike push-ups (head to ab-mat)
5 pike push-ups (walk feet closer to hands)
**On a 3:00 clock**
* Practice kicking up to the wall. Perform negatives, holds, and handstand push-ups.
* If you are unable to kick up, continue to practice the pike push-up or DB strict press.
Weightlifting Prep
**1 set**
10 deadlifts (45/35 lb)
10 hang power cleans (focus on jumping and getting the elbows through fast)
5 power cleans (focus on full hip extension, then getting under the bar)
5 front squats (elbows stay high and hips press back and down)
HPC + FS (Every 90 sec x 8)
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
*Buuild to a heavy complex
Metcon (Time)
– RX –
For time:
Back squats (165/110 lb)
Handstand push-ups
For time:
Back squats (135/95 lb)
Handstand push-ups
For time:
Back squats (95/65 lb)
DB strict press
*15 minutes
*Back Squats from the floor
Cash Out
**2 sets**
:30 banded shoulder distraction / side
:30 banded hip distraction / side